Tensions erupt at Manchu Manoj’s House. The controversy in the Manchu family is deepening. Yesterday, there was news that Manchu Manoj and Mohan Babu complained about each other to the police. It was said that Mohan Babu attacked Manoj. At first, Mohan Babu stated that it was a piece of false news but after that in the evening, Manoj was spotted at a hospital in Banjara Hills, which confirmed that there is something wrong going on with the family.
Tensions erupted at Manchu Manoj’s House as reportedly, Manchu Vishnu’s business partner Vijay came to Mohan Babu’s house in Jalpally. Vijay took the CCTV footage hard disk of Manoj’s house. It is said that Vishnu’s men are guarding Mohan Babu’s house. Manchu Vishnu came from Dubai, and soon, he will arrive at Manchu Mohan Babu’s house in Jalpally.
In another footage from Sunday, Manchu Manoj was seen coming out of Hospital. Manoj’s wife, Mounika, was seen urging the media to respect their privacy. Manoj, wearing a neck brace, looked struggling to walk and appeared to be in pain. When paparazzi asked Mounika about the incident, she declined to respond and carefully escorted her husband through the crowd. Manoj then entered his vehicle with the assistance of his security personnel.