Telugu film industry’s producers’ body on Monday issued directives on shooting protocols in wake of rising Covid cases. Already a number of movies including big tickets ones like Sarkaru Vaari Paata and Acharya have postponed their shootings till further notice. According to the Telugu Film Producer’s Council, emergency film shootings will be carried out with a maximum of 50 workers duly following necessary guidelines.
This comes right after the Telangana government’s order to impose a night curfew from 9 PM to 5 AM. Theatres in Telangana will also be closed due to the second wave of Corona. Andhra Pradesh government meanwhile, has issued orders to allow only 50% occupancy in the theatres.
A number of movies have already pushed their release dates while those in shoot have cancelled their ongoing schedules.
It was in June last year that the state government had permitted the resumption of shooting for films. Cinema theatres, however, were allowed to re-open in December.