The Telugu Film Chamber issues a warning to media on targeting Dil Raju and other producers. It is widely known that recently there has been a big controversy regarding the theater allocation of Sankranthi releases. Especially, producer Dil Raju was targeted by a section of the media, and he even gave a warning to the media as he became emotional.
Dil Raju Vs Media turns out to be a battle between Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce and Media
Now, the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce, Telangana State Film Chamber of Commerce and Telugu Film Producers Council have once again given a clarification on the controversies over the release of Sankranthi films in the Telugu states. The Telugu Film Chamber issues a warning to the media on targeting Dil Raju and other Producers.
“ Our three organizations held a meeting 15 days ago regarding Telugu films on the controversies of the theaters and called the five producers who were in the race for Sankranthi and asked them to explain the ground reality and cooperate. There is a competition of films every year in Sankranthi. Similarly, this year too, five films are ready to compete. Hanuman, Eagle, Saindhav, Guntur Karam and My Sami Ranga. After accepting the request of the chamber, the film ‘Eagle’ was shifted from Sankranthi race to February 9 with the support of Vishwa Prasad Garu, Vivek Garu and heroes Ravi Teja Garu.
Fixing a mass hero’s film’s date and stepping back again is not an easy task. It is not an easy thing to do in terms of business these days, either. Thus, a mass hero came forward for the betterment of the industry and changed the release date of the film so that the other four people cooperated with the other four is a welcome good thing for the industry.
Sankranthi is a good competition in a healthy atmosphere between films. Regarding Telugu Cinema, our three companies together are leading from the front by taking decisions without causing any trouble to any hero, producer, or director.
But some social media websites and other media deliberately show their ratings, TRP during Sankranthi. They are creating an awkward atmosphere in the film industry between fans, heroes, producers, and directors by writing favorite writings and articles for themselves. We strongly condemn websites, social media and any other media that makes such derogatory remarks. Social media, websites, and other media anything.
Before writing the articles, our three organizations were contacted and informed to find out the truth and publish the news”.
Telugu Film Chamber’s Official Letter warning the Media