Tasty Teja’s silly nominations led to contestants’ eviction in Bigg Boss Telugu 7. Teja is a famous YouTuber who gives food reviews. He entered as one of the contestants in the latest season of Bigg Boss Telugu. Over the weeks, Tasty Teja has improved his game and entertained as much as possible, but his silly nominations are leading to contestants’ eviction in Bigg Boss Telugu 7.
The last three evicted contestants from the big boss are Nayani Pavani, Pooja Murthy, and Sandeep. For all three people to be in the nominations, Teja was the main reason. The show viewers say that nominating is not a problem, but his cited reasons are ridiculous and cause others to get evicted.
For Nayani Pavani, Teja said he is getting negative vibes as she said he is not putting effort into tasks. For Pooja Murthy, Tasty Teja gave a silly reason that she threw water while he was sleeping.
Today, Aata Sandeep was eliminated from the house, and even for this, Teja was the reason. While nominating Sandeep, Teja said, “I love you, brother, but you have not been in nominations till now, so I want you to be in nominations this week, and you will come safe.”
The Netizens and the show’s regular watchers are complaining and criticizing Tasty Teja for his silly nominations.