Tamil actor Jiiva who shot to fame in Telugu with Rangam back in 2011 is looking to make another big impact in Tollywood. The actor is one of the leading names in consideration to play AP Chief Minister Y.S Jaganmohan Reddy’s role in the upcoming biographical drama Yatra 2.
This film will be a sequel of Yatra directed by Mahi Raghav who will also direct the sequel. Incidentally, the first installment of Yatra starring Malayalam star Mammootty was released just before the 2019 elections and now Yatra 2 is also being planned to hit the screens before the elections in AP next year.
Mahi Raghav revealed his plans for the movie and said that this film will not include any portions after Y.S. Jagan became the CM of Andhra Pradesh. It will follow the story from 2009-2019.
“It revolves around YS Jagan Anna and his struggles between 2009 – 2019. I won’t touch his ruling period and what has happened after 2019,” clarified director Mahi Raghav.
Explaining his reason behind going for a non-Telugu actor for a Telugu political leader biopic, the director said, “No Telugu hero will dare to do this role and Currently Jiiva is in consideration.”