Tamil Actor Jiiva has met with a car accident. The Actor who was returning to Chennai from Salem had a narrow escape after the accident that happened near Kallakurichi. The Accident is reported to have taken place around 3 PM on a highway near Kaniyamoor Village. The Actor is currently safe but his car was heavily damaged on the front.
The reason behind the car accident is not yet known. We have to see if this was because of overspeeding or traffic violation by others. Jiiva was very lucky to have escaped from this accident which looked very big as seen from the wreckage of the car. The Actor was also captured in the spot signalling others to clear the way for the traffic.
Jiiva lastly worked for Yatra 2 in Telugu. The film was made as a biopic on the life of AP Political leader, Jagan Mohan Reddy. The film however didn’t strike chords with the Audience properly and became a big disaster after the release. The Actor is currently working for Methavi. Rashi Khanna also plays the female lead in the film. Jiiva is badly in need of hit as he suffered failures with many flops in the recent years.