Renowned Tamil actor and director, manobala, breathed his last on May 3 in Chennai. Reportedly have been admitted to a private hospital due to having liver problems for the past two weeks. This news shocked the entire Tamil film industry. The details regarding his funeral and cremation will be out in the coming hours. Manobala was last seen in the Tamil films ‘Kondraal Paavam’ and ‘Ghosty’.
Manobala, who began as the assistant of the legendary filmmaker Bharathirajaa, became a director with the 1982 film Agaya Gangai. After that, he had directed blockbuster movies like Pillai Nila, Oorkavalan (with Superstar Rajinikanth), and Mallu Vetti Minor among others.
He became the most in demand comedy actor in the early 2000s because of his impeccable timing and unique dialogue delivery. He has been featured in memorable comedy tracks in films such as Pithamagan, Ice, Chandramukhi, Yaaradi Nee Mohini, Thamizh Padam, Alex Pandian, Aranmanai franchise and Aambala. Not only that, but he has appeared in nearly 700 films. Furthermore, he also had hilarious collaborations with fellow comedy actors like Vivek, Vadivelu and Santhanam.
Manobala has also acted in Telugu Films. He was seen in films like Oopiri, Mahanati and Devadas. Manobala’s last Telugu Film was Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya. We at Track Tollywood pray that may his soul rest in peace.