Tamannah has reportedly signed another project with Telugu digital streaming platform Aha. Just recently she made her digital debut with Aha’s original “11th Hour”. The series 11th Hour also featured Vamsi Krishna, Adith Arun, Pavithra Lokesh, and Jayprakash in lead roles. Director Praveen Sattaru mentioned that this is Tamannah’s best performance so far. Technically as well, the show looked great. The web series received a lukewarm response even though Tamannah’s performance as Aratrika Reddy was well appreciated.
Now it’s been revealed that the actress has signed another project with Aha. Further details on this project and its genre are yet to be updated.
Incidentally Tamannah’s contemporary Samantha also made her OTT debut with Aha through a talk show- Sam Jam. The show also received dull response despite many A- list celebrities marking their presence on the show.
Tamannah will be next seen in Sampath Nandi’s Seetimarr opposite Gopichand. The film’s release has been delayed due to Covid. The makers will take a call on a new release pretty soon. Apart from this project, she will also be seen along with Sathyadev in Gurthunda Seethakalam.