The first single from the much awaited film Leo is all set to be released on the occasion of Thalapathy Vijay’s birthday, June 22. Today, the director of the film, Lokesh Kanagaraj took to his Twitter Account and shared the promo video of the song as he sent advance birthday wishes to the superstar. However, Anirudh has disappointed fans and audience with the song’s promo video as everyone felt that it does not live up to the expectations of Thalapathy Vijay and Anirudh Ravichander’s combo.
Anirudh is undoubtedly the no 1 music director in South Indian Cinema as the audiences/listeners love his songs across the film industries. Generally, he gives his best for Lokesh Kanagaraj as we know, the soundtrack of Vikram was very popular, and it played a crucial role in the film’s success. Furthermore, for Vijay films also Anirudh does an excellent job, especially for the songs which are released as 1st single songs.
Previously, songs scored by Anirudh Ravichander for Thalapathy Vijay went viral on social media and audio platforms, so there have been a massive set of expectations on Leo’s 1st single but the promo which was released this evening was a disappointing one and the netizens felt that the song was not on the standards of Anirudh. Let’s hope that the full song reverses the opinion of everyone and becomes a super hit song.
Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, Leo has a list of the big star cast besides Vijay and Trisha, such as Arjun Sarja, Priya Anand, Madonna Sebastian, Gautham Menon, Mathew Thomass, Mansoor Ali Khan and Sandy. The film is surrounded by massive expectations not only from Tamil but also the Telugu audience. Leo will hit screens on October 19th.