If the inside reports are to be believed, the famous combo of Star Hero Suriya and renowned director Sudha Kongara will repeat again. Their previous film Soorarai Potru [Aakasam Nee Haddura] was one of the best films in Surya’s career and received a tremendous response, but sadly the film had to go for a direct OTT release due to the Corona Pandemic. Now this sensational combo is said to be joining hands again for a new film. The official announcement regarding the same is expected to be out soon.
Suriya, the popular South actor has teamed up with director Vetri Maaran for a film titled ‘Vaadivaasal’, which was launched a couple of years back. He is also simultaneously working on his 42nd film, Kanguva which is directed by Siruthai Siva, and the 3D action drama is being made grandly in 10 languages.
Suriya and Sudha have developed a good bonding when they collaborated on Soorai Potru and the actor trusts the director a lot. Their association brought a much-needed acclaim for Suriya and also fetched him a national award for his marvelous performance. Soorarai Pootru bagged plenty of national awards including Best Feature Film, Best Actress, Best Music as well as Best Actor.
The film also won seven Film fare awards, including the best actor award for Surya, competing in many categories. Let’s wish that the next film in this well – acclaimed combination will give another memorable movie for everyone.