Kollywood Actor Suriya and Director Karthik Subbaraj’s collaborative Suriya44 has been titled Retro. The teaser was also released showcasing the theme of the film alongwith few glimpses where Suriya was seen as a ruthless Thug. Pooja Hegde also plays the female lead role in the film.
This is the first collaboration between Suriya and Karthik Subbaraj. Fans and Audience are very much excited about the film and the teaser looks as lived up to these expectations. Retro is a period gangster drama filled with usual style of Karthik Subbaraj making. Produced by Suriya under his home banner 2D Entertainments, the film is also aiming the release in the month of March next year.
Retro will have to perform big for Suriya who experienced a big debacle in the form of Kanguva this year. The film also became one of the biggest disasters of Kollywood surprisingly. Now, all eyes are on Retro which also serves as a hope for Karthik Subbaraj who is out of form in the recent years.