Suriya 43 announcement has been made with a stunning glimpse and a star-studded cast. The news of Suriya’s reunion with Soorarai Pottru director Sudha Kongara has now been officially confirmed. The two will work together again for the acclaimed actor’s 43rd picture. The fans of Singam Actor are delighted with the Suriya 43 announcement being made with a stunning glimpse and a star-studded cast.
The new film’s producers announced on social media, along with a list of the cast members. Dulquer Salmaan, Nazriya Fahadh, and Bollywood actor Vijay Varma will also appear in Suriya 43 in significant roles.
“Suriya 43” is a film produced by Suriya and Jyothika’s 2D Entertainment in collaboration with Meenakshi Cinemas that is reportedly inspired by actual events. The film was introduced with the release of the first glimpse, which depicts a riot-like setting with an exciting background soundtrack by GV Prakash Kumar.
The filming of “Suriya 43” will likely begin soon after the actor completes director Siva’s ambitious “Kanguva.” Aside from that, the famous Tamil actor is negotiating with Rakesh Omprakash Mehra for the ambitious “Karna” film based on the ancient Mahabharata. It is projected to hit the market in 2024.