Dil Raju has been under a lot of fire over Varisu release for Sankranti. The Telugu Film Producer’s Council has also issued a statement saying priority must be given for Telugu theatres like Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy over Tamil releases.
Suresh Babu has come ahead in support of Dil Raju and theatre allocation for Varisu. He said that cinema has now crossed borders and Tamil Industry backed Telugu releases like Baahubali, RRR, and Pushpa. Suresh Babu added that the Telugu industry must accommodate Tamil releases and if Telugu pan-India releases like Pushpa 2 release, the Tamil industry will also do the same.
“This is the new norm and we all have to live with it. There’s no need to over analyse it,” said Suresh Babu.
The Telugu Film Producer’s Council has taken serious objection to Dil Raju’s Tamil film Varisu releasing during the festive season. They are of the opinion that as discussed earlier and agreed by Raju himself, Telugu releases must be given priority during Dusshera and Sankranti.
Dil Raju has a sizable power in Nizam region and his decision to release Varisu will obviously mean lesser theatres for Chiru and Balayya’s movies. The senior producer has stood rock firm behind the movie and has specifically mentioned that he will not back down from the race despite anyone’s objections.