Superstar Rajinikanth gave director Gopichand Malineni a pleasant surprise when he rang up the director to applaud Veera Simha Reddy. The director, taken back by this gesture from the Superstar took to Twitter and shared his excitement.
Sharing his excitement Gopichandh Malineni wrote, “This is a surreal moment for me🤩🤗 Received a call from the Thalaivar, The Superstar @rajinikanth sir. He watched #VeeraSimhaReddy and loved the film. His Words of praise about my film and the emotion he felt are more than anything in this world to me. Thankyou Rajini sir,”
Balakrishna’s Veera Simha Reddy released for Sankranti and gave provided a solid dose of entertainment to Balayya fans.While the movie received mixed reviews on its opening day, the opening weekend collections were humongous and provided Balayya his career best opening.
Veera Simha Reddy marked the first collaboration between Balakrishna and Gopichand Malineni. The duo were on a career-high with the massive success of Akhanda and Krack respectively and this project released amidst massive expectations.
Superstar Rajinikanth, meanwhile will be next seen in Nelson Dileepkumar’s Jailer. The film will also feature Aishwarya Rai, Mohanlal, Shiva Rajkumar.