Superstar Mahesh Babu’s mother, Indira Devi, passed away in Hyderabad due to ill health. She breathed her last at 4 am on Wednesday. The actor’s mother had been suffering from age-related health issues for the past few days and was admitted to AIG Hospital in Hyderabad, according to multiple media reports.
Indira Devi’s mortal remains will be held at Padmalaya Studios from 9 am to 12 pm to pay last respects. Her funeral will take place at Maha Prasthanam later in the day.
“Smt. Ghattamaneni Indira Devi, wife of veteran actor Krishna and mother of Mahesh Babu passed away a short while ago. She had been suffering from illness for quite some time now. Her mortal remains will be kept at Padmalaya Studios for fans to visit at 9 am today and later the last rites will be performed at Maha Prasthanam,” read a statement from Mahesh Babu’s family.
Fans and well-wishers have extended support to Mahesh Babu and his family during what has been an extremely tough year for him personally. Earlier in January, he lost his elder brother Ramesh Babu and now with his mother passing away, condolences are pouring in from all sides.