Young actor Sundeep Kishan took to social media to make a great gesture in playing his part in the Covid relief. The second wave of Coronavirus has been quite deadly causing great distress to people across the country. The pandemic till now has displaced thousands of families and killed lakhs of people.
In such a time everyone is trying to contribute in their own manner. Sundeep Kishan also announced that he will be supporting the children who have lost their families due to the pandemic. He stated that he will take care of the education and food expenses of these children and requested all to share their details with him.
The actor further added that these are testing times and as human beings, we all must stand with each other. Sandeep’s this noble gesture has surely won many hearts and people are applauding him for this initiative.
The actor meanwhile is getting ready for his upcoming release Gully Rowdy. The film’s teaser was released recently and received good response. G Nageswara Reddy, who’s known for the comedy genre is wielding the megaphone for this movie. This will be his second collaboration with Sandeep after Tenali Ramakrishna BA. BL. The movie is slated to release on 21st May.