Actor Vijay Deverakonda and Director Sukumar announced a film long ago but it didn’t materialize. Vijay Deverakonda announced their collaboration on X and audiences were thrilled to hear the news. They expected the combo would do wonders at the box office. But it seems Sukumar has left Vijay Deverakonda highly disappointed.
It’s a dream for a mid-range hero to attain top-tier status with such a big director. Vijay Deverakonda created a phenomenon among youth with the films Arjun Reddy, and Geetha Govindam. Both became major blockbusters and Vijay Deverakonda never looked back afterward. The audience hoped he may go to a bigger position after Sukumar’s film. But Sukumar is still busy with the sequel of Pushpa and the team is also planning one more film in the Pushpa franchise.
Along with this, Sukumar is also planning to do a film with Ram Charan as per sources. This will be Ram Charan’s 17th film. So it would at least take a minimum of 4-5 years for Vijay Deverakonda and Sukumar combo film to start shooting. This has heavily disappointed the audience. Vijay Deverakonda is currently working for Family Star, directed by Geetha Govindam and Sarkaru Vaari Paata fame, P. Parasuram. The film is slated to release this year.