Sudheer Babu will be next seen in an action drama film titled ‘Harom Hara’. Captioned ‘The Revolt’, it is directed by Gnanasagar Dwaraka. The film’s theatrical trailer was out a couple of weeks ago and created a good buzz on the internet.
Coming to the film’s economics, its theatrical rights in Telugu states are valued at around INR 5 crore. The ROI and overseas rights are estimated to be over INR 1 crore, making the worldwide breakeven mark INR 6 crore.
Harom Hara is slated for a worldwide release this Friday, i.e., June 14, 2024. As announced by the Sudheer Babu himself, a pre-release event will be held on June 11 at the Daspalla Convention in Hyderabad. Malavika Sharma is the lead actress in the film.