Sudheer Babu who came before the audiences with his Latest film Mama Mashcheendra, in which he played a triple role. Sadly, the film did not get the chance to reach maximum audiences as shows were even cancelled in major centers. Because of his wrong selection of scripts, Sudheer Babu could not capture the audience’s attention with Maama Mascheendra.
A film getting positive or negative talk is secondary, but creating at least a decent buzz about the film in the audience is essential for a Hero. The way Sudheer Babu has selected films made him lack the exciting factor. He is putting all his hard work for the films more than 100% but continuously failing to get the audience taste and to understand what kind of films they want and how to promote the films as well.
All the recent films of Sudheer Babu have failed to bring a minimum number of the audiences to the theaters now the same has happened with his latest films. He portrayed three roles with different avatars and worked lot, but when the audience does not want to see these types of films then there is no use in doing films like these.
Mama Mascheendra is directed by actor and writer Harshavardhan. The film also stars Eesha Rebba and Mrinalini Ravi in the female lead roles.
Harshavardhan’s track record as a writer is excellent. He worked on the film, Manam which was made with a complex screenplay and wrote good dialogues and screenplay without confusing the audience. He has written beautiful love scenes in the films ‘Gunde Jaaari Gallantayyinde’ and ‘Chinnadana Neeku’. But with Mama Mashcheendra, his latest directorial, he faced disappointing result.