Just a couple of weeks after its release Sudheer Babu’s Hunt is all set to stream on OTT platform. The action thriller also starred Srikanth and Tamil actor Bharath and is a remake of Prithviraj Sukumaran’s super hit Malayalam film Mumbai Police.
Released on Republic Day, Sudheer Babu’s Hunt will stream on Aha from midnight today. The film was a total washout at the theatres with no takers for the film right from its day of release.
The story follows Sudheer Babu who is an upright Police officer who suffers a major accident and consequently loses his memory. But he is assigned the job of solving the high profile murder mystery case with his intellect and problem-solving abilities.
The film is directed by Mahesh and is a cop drama with some engaging action scenes. V Ananda Prasad produced the film under Bhavya Creations banner.