Stree 2 dominated the box office in its second weekend, setting numerous new records for the Hindi film industry. The horror-comedy grossed more over Rs 92 crore nett in its second weekend alone, increasing its total collection in India to approximately Rs 401 crore nett after 11 days.
The film’s performance on Krishnastami was expected to be better, but it only made between 16 and 17 crores nett yesterday. If the film continues to perform well, it has a fair chance of generating approximately 550 crore nett in India in total; if not, it will make around 500 crore nett in India.
Stree 2 has now grossed 585 Crore worldwide, In 12 Days. All India gross is 495 Cr and overseas gross is 90 Cr. Today the film crossing 500 Cr gross In India, Only few Bollywood films has achieved this milestone.