Vakeel Saab is coming as the re-entry film for Power Star Pawan Kalyan after 2 years and Sruthi Hassan is confirmed for a crucial role next to Pawan Kalyan. Vakeel Saab’s story is taken from a Bollywood movie Pink but some changes have been made to the original script adding the Telugu flavor. In Pink, Amitabh does not have any heroine track but Vakeel Saab will have it and Sruthi Hassan will be paired up with Pawan Kalyan for the third time after Gabbar Singh and Katamarayudu.
Vakeel Saab completed the major part of its shooting before the lockdown and only left with a 30-day shoot. Earlier there was confusion about Sruthi Hassan being a part of this project but recently Sruthi has confirmed that she will be acting in Vakeel Saab. She allocated call sheets for Vakeel Saab despite her busy schedule and says that she would not be a part of Vakeel Saab if the shoot resumes post-October as she has allocated dates for her other commitments.
Alongside Vakeel Saab there are two more projects in PSPK’s pipeline. #PSPK27 with Krish under AM Ratnam’s production and #PSPK28 with Harish Shankar in Mythri Movie Makers.