Srikanth Addala has totally changed his route now. The director who earlier directed soft family dramas like Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, Kotha Bangaru Lokam, and Brahmotsavam earlier has decided to go the mass way.
Presently the director is busy with promotions and interviews for the Venkatesh starter action drama Narappa. The film will release on July 20th on Amazon Prime. Post this, he has decided to stick with the mass action genre as well.
Srikanth Addala revealed that he will be next directing a movie under Geetha Arts banner. The film has been titled ‘Annai’. It will be a mass action entertainer. What’s interesting here is that the film will be a trilogy. While further details are awaited, Srikanth Addala shifting to action and mass genre has definitely surprised many.
Even the initial teasers and rushes of Narappa had surprised many who never expected the director to carry the subject with such expertise.