The Special shows permission has been granted for Tamil Diwali releases, Karthi’s Japan and Karthik Subbaraj’s Jigarthanda Double X. It is widely known that the filmmakers in Kollywood need to get official permission from the government to screen additional shows apart from the regular four shows.
In this order, the TN government permitted Japan and Jigarthanda Double X to screen special shows. Now, both the films can be screened for five shows in Tamil Nadu, starting at 9 AM.
Japan, written and directed by Raju Murugan, is described as a heist comedy film and has been given a U/A certificate by the CBFC.
Japan’s ensemble cast comprises Anu Emmanuel, Sunil, KS Ravikumar, Jithan Ramesh, Bava Chelladurai, and more, in addition to Karthi. Dream Warrior Pictures, a company known for films like Kaithi and Sulthan, provided funding for the film, and GV Prakash Kumar composed the music. It is believed that the film will portray Karthi as a thief who has stolen 200 crores worth of jewelry.
Jigarthanda Double X is a follow-up to the 2014 film Jigarthanda, which Karthik Subbaraj directed. According to reports, the film has been provided a U/A Certificate by the CBFC and will run for 2 hours and 52 minutes. Stone Bench Films, Five Star Creations, and Ivenio Origin have worked together to produce the film.
The music for the film has been composed by Santhosh Narayanan, while S Thirunavukkarasu has cranked the camera.