After the release of Pushpa-The Rise, every single person was imitating Allu Arjun’s famous dialogue ‘Thaggedhe Le‘ from the movie. If not for the dialogue, people imitated Allu Arjun’s iconic dance step in the chartbuster Srivalli from Pushpa. Celebrities like David Warner, Ravindra Jadeja, and Hardik Pandya have all imitated this step.
While this level of imitation and inspiration is healthy, a man has taken things to an extreme level. A smuggler was so inspired by Pushpa that he tried to smuggle red sandalwood worth 2.45 crores using a tactic that Allu Arjun uses in the film.
Smuggler Yasin Inayithulla loaded his truck with red sandalwood and tried to cover it with fruits and vegetables on top of it. In Pushpa, Allu Arjun covers the red sandalwood with tomatoes on top. But it looks like Yasin fast-forwarded that scene as moments later Allu Arjun gets caught by the police.