Small film Baby, starring Anand Deverakonda, Vyshnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin has released today amidst positive buzz and solid expectations. The movie’s music and intriguing trailer have managed to keep the audience’s interest levels high, and the premieres were held across all major centers.
The unit has screened the premiers in Telugu States on selected screens last night and most of the shows were full of massive turn around of the crowd and because of a positive response from those shows the film has opened with fantastic numbers at the box office.
Today the noon shows of Baby, the film, opened with excellent numbers in Telugu states. In the USA, the movie already surpassed the $100K mark. The film is expected to perform super strong on this weekend as well.
The film had gained a good amount of craze with super hit songs. Moreover, the theatrical trailer which was released had created much needed hype for the film. Now, the film’s paid premiers and morning shows have opened to tremendous response, which helps the box office performance of the film.
Produced by SKN under Mass Movie Makers, the film also has Naga Babu, Lirisha, Kusuma Degalamarri, Sathvik Anand, Babloo, Seetha, Mounika, and Keerthana in crucial roles.