Kollywood Actor Siva Karthikeyan achieved a blockbuster success recently with Amaran. The film received stunning response with a unanimous word of mouth grossing more than 300 crores worldwide. With this, Siva Karthikeyan has also doubled his remuneration limit. His remuneration for Amaran was said to be 35-40 crores but now it could raise to 70 crores.
The business strategies and budgets of his upcoming films have also gone up. He is currently working on A.R. Murugadoss’s directorial. This untitled film’s release date has not yet been announced with Director Murugadoss also concentrating on his latest Bollywood Sikandar starring Salman Khan. Siva Karthikeyan has recently come onboard for a film, #SK25 under the direction of Sudha Kongara. A film with Cibi Chakravarthy is also said to be in line.
If all his upcoming films turn out to be hits, then he may further increase the remuneration to 100 crores. He is currently enjoying the success of Amaran and we need to see how the success streak continues for him.