Tamil Star Hero Siva Karthikeyan is bringing his latest movie, Prince to the audience. Ukrainian actress Maria is the heroine in the movie and it is directed by JatiRatnalu director Anudeep. This movie was produced under the banner of Asian Cinemas and Suresh Productions. Prince will be released on the 21st of this month on the occasion of Diwali in both Telugu and Tamil languages.
The film has recently completed censoring work. Censor members have given clean U certificate to this movie. At first, the movie’s runtime was 2 hours 23 Minutes but the latest news is that the film’s team has trimmed 12 Minutes and now the New runtime is 2 Hours 11 Minutes. The first half-length will be 1 hour 7 minutes and 19 seconds, and the Second half-length will be 1 hour 3 mins, and 45 seconds.
During the promotion of Prince, Siva Karthikeyan talked about South movies in an interview. “Recently pan India movies and bilingual movies are coming. In Vamsi Paidipally’s film, Vijay is a hero and Ram Charan’s film is directed by Shankar. Prince is my first straight Telugu movie. In the future, I would like to do more bilingual films. Recently South movies are all doing well. KGF, RRR, Vikram, Kantara.. many films like this have achieved success. I want Telugu and Tamil industry people to do more films together,” said Siva Karthikeyan.
While Thaman is providing the music for the Prince, Manoj Paramahamsa is working as the cinematographer. And this movie, which was made as a romantic comedy entertainer, has huge expectations among the audience.
And will Siva Karthikeyan get a big super hit in Telugu with this movie or not we’ll get to know in a day time.