Tamil Actor Siva Karthikeyan’s Don released in Tamil along with Telugu version along with Superstar’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata in theatres. As SVP made lot of noise in Telugu states, Don hasn’t get much recognition initially. But with positive word of mouth, Don held good and recorded success at box office. Siva Kartikeyan’s last movie Doctor too ran successful, Don carried the actors image.
Don is a comedy and emotional entertainer directed by a debutant Cibi Chakravarthy. The films deals about a student who finds love, friendship and purpose of life in a college. The emotional connect in the last thirty minutes of the movie is the much talked about. As the film is nearing it’s successful theatrical run, the OTT details are announced.
Don will stream in Netflix from 10th June. Netflix in it’s India South handle announced the date. Priyanka Arul Mohan, S J Suryah, Samuthrikani played other important roles in the movie. Anirudh composed the music. So let’s wait for 10th June to enjoy Siva Karthikeyan’s consecutive hit after Doctor.