Tamil Actor Siva Karthikeyan has scored a yet another biggest blockbuster in the form of his recent film, Don. Don stars him alongside Priyanka Mohan directed by Cibi Chakravarthy. The film carried a good hype before the release with Siva Karthikeyan scoring a blockbuster, Doctor directed by Nelson. Songs and trailer of the film struck well with audience and added more hype to the film.
The film released this month on May 13th and achieved a positive talk and grossed nearly 10 crores on the opening day. Don with its college backdrop and father sentiment is pulling audience to the theatres. The film has also posted record weekend numbers for Siva Karthikeyan. The weekend gross is close to 50 crores and the film is expected to cross the 100 crore mark easily in its full run. This will be the second 100 cr film for Siva Karthikeyan if that happens.
Right now Siva Karthikeyan is the new generation leading star from Kollywood market with each film. He will also be the hero to have two back to back 100 crore grossers after Don’s lifetime run. Siva Karthikeyan is currently doing a film with K.V. Anudeep under Suresh Productions. This film is a Telugu and Tamil bi-lingual. Shoot for the film has also started. The film is tentatively titled SK20.