For a few months, there have been numerous reports and rumors regarding a film between Tamil Star Hero Siva Karthikeyan and Director AR Murugadoss. The fans were excited about this project and were waiting for an. official announcement of the same. Finally, Siva Karthikeyan officially confirmed the film with AR Murugadoss.
Siva Karthikeyan took to his official Twitter Account to wish AR Murugadoss on his birthday and stated that he is extremely delighted to join with ARM for his 23rd film, and he is double delighted after listening to the narration. He ended the tweet by saying this film will be special for him in all aspects, and he can’t wait to start filming.
Murugadoss replied to the tweet of Siva Karthikeyan by quoting Thanks and stated that he is also glad to join with Siva on the next project! He promised to create some cinematic magic together.
Director Murugadoss has taken a very long break after the failure of Darbar with Rajinikanth. Finally, an official announcement on his next film came out and let’s wish this interesting combination of Siva Karthikeyan and AR Murugadoss to produce a superb film.