Sitara Ghattamaneni, the daughter of renowned actor Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar, acted in a commercial for the first time and chose to donate her entire remuneration to charity. Sitara and her mother Namrata Ghattamaneni presented a photo album and a look book featuring her name at an event held at a five-star hotel in Hyderabad on Thursday. Moreover, she showed off the preview of her upcoming short film, ‘Princess.’
Sitara expressed her passion for acting and her love for movies during the event. During her discussion with the reporter, she mentioned how she was always drawn to the film industry and found inspiration in her mother’s confidence. She also made it known that her father, Mahesh Babu, was thrilled to see the launch of the SITARA signature collection in Times Square, New York. The advertisement video featuring Sitara left him feeling emotionally when he watched it.
It’s remarkable how Sitara’s signature collection has achieved such a great feat, making her the first star in the country to achieve this honor. Her unique style and personality are reflected in this collection, and it was a proud moment for her and her family to witness its launch. The event was honored with a media presence, offering Sitara an opportunity to interact and share her thoughts.
In addition to the unveiling of the photo album and look book, the event also included the preview of a short film titled ‘Princess,’ in which Sitara showcased her acting skills. Directed by Shourya Paruvu, the short film is set to be released officially on July 19, 2023. The audiences are eagerly awaiting this glimpse into Sitara’s talent and potential in the world of cinema.