After a small gap, Kabzaa, another pan-India film from the Kannada film industry is all set to hit the screens soon. The movie has been shot on a massive budget with top stars Upendra, Sudeep, Shivrajkumar, and Shriya in key roles. The film is gearing up for release on 17th March and a lot of hopes are pinned on this pan-India project.
The film’s trailer looks quite promising and is loaded with rich visuals and gripping BGM. But the runtime is shockingly low for a film that aims to tell a story on a grand scale. Normally, for any pan-Indian or big-budget project, the runtime will be a minimum of 150 minutes and a few pan-Indian films will have 170 minutes – 180 minutes as these films have a large timeline span.
Kabzaa on the other hand has a runtime of just 136 minutes which can either backfire or work well for the film. The period action drama has been certified U/A and will release on 17th March. It needs to be seen if this film manages to capture the audience’s love this weekend.