Tollywood Actor, Rajendra Prasad has badly criticised Pushpa and the theme of the film at an event. The Actor took objection to glorifying the character of Allu Arjun who plays the role of Sandalwood Smuggler in Pushpa. He took a jibe by not referring to the Actor or the film directly. This came as a shocker for all.
Earlier, another Actor, Pawan Kalyan too indirectly objected to the making of film, Pushpa. Pawan Kalyan said that earlier heroes used to save forest but now it is different with them destroying it. This became a big controversy then and many people felt that Pawan Kalyan was referring to Pushpa which falls in this theme’s category. Now, Rajendra Prasad’s words follow Pawan Kalyan’s comments.
We need to see how Allu Arjun and the team of Pushpa 2 would react to these comments made by Rajendra Prasad. The Actor has a close association with Allu Arjun by acting in few of his films which became big hits. These comments would surely hurt Allu Arjun and also the team of Pushpa 2 at a time when the film is rocking the Indian Box Office.