After RRR, Ram Charan is currently working for his 15th film with director Shankar and actress Kiara Advani. Despite RC15 happening, all eyes are on Ram Charan’s afterward film. We know that the Mega Power Star has revealed with his next film with young director Buchi Babu Sana for a sports drama.
Now, there are reports that the film will go on floors in January 2023. They will announce soon the cast and crew. The untitled film is produced by Venkata Satish Kilaru.
Ram Charan joins hands with director Buchi Babu Sana for kabaddi based sports drama has been the topic of discussion in the movie-goers.
The film is said to be formed on a budget of 300 Crores which is massive and the unit is in plans to make this a Pan India film, it is a sports-based drama with a village backdrop.
If We observe the latest trend in the South Indian films, films which are generated in rural backdrop are becoming massive success pan India wide like Kantara, the saying more regional is more universal is true in the sense now.
There is an interesting story behind how the film got into Ram Charan’s lap. Earlier this year, director Buchi Babu Sana narrated the story to Jr NTR and they agreed to proceed. However, the film did not take off because of various reasons.
After that, the director approached Ram Charan and the actor liked the script and got on board. The shooting of this sports drama will take place in Coastal Andhra Pradesh.