Shivani Rajasekhar is all set to act beside her father, Rajasekhar in his 91st movie, titled Shekar. She reportedly has a crucial role to play in Shekar. She is playing the daughter of Rajasekhar in this investigative thriller. The movie revolves around a retired cop who joins an investigation unexpectedly. What he discovers during the investigation and how he deals with it forms the story.
This is the first time that a real-life father-daughter duo is acting as father-daughter onscreen. The first look of the film showed Rajasekhar in a raw and rugged look that we’ve never seen before. It promises an engaging thriller.
Shivani Rajasekhar has proven her acting skills in the recently released Adbhutam, which was praised by both critics as well as the general audience. Shekar will surely add to her tally of good performances. It will be interesting to see Shivani alongside Rajasekhar in Shekar.
Shekar also stars Abhivan Gomatam, Sameer, Ravi Varma among others. Lalith is the director of the film. It is the official remake of the Malayalam hit movie Joseph.
The movie will release on February 4th, if all goes to plan. It will replace Chiranjeevi’s Acharya, which has occupied a later date.