Popular YouTuber and former Bigg Boss contestant, Shanmukh Jaswanth, found himself in trouble with the police following allegations of love fraud against his brother, Sampath. During a police search at Vinay’s residence, where Shanmukh resides, cannabis and drugs were discovered, leading to their detention for further questioning.
This isn’t Shanmukh’s first run-in with the law, as he was previously caught in a drink and drive case three years ago, resulting in his arrest by Jubilee Hills police. However, the current case involving the discovery of Ganja at his residence is more serious. It remains to be seen what explanation Shanmukh will provide. The use of drugs, including Ganja, is strictly prohibited.
Despite recently garnering social media attention for his dance performance at Sundaram Master’s pre-release event, Shanmukh is now making headlines for the drugs case. Police have taken him and his brother into custody, turning what started as a cheat case into a drugs case.