Indian 2 starring Kamal Haasan was a sequel to Yesteryear blockbuster, Indian/Bharateeyudu. The film released amidst great hype but experienced a brutal rejection from the audiences. The audience didn’t like the writing and direction of Shankar who was also trolled to the core. But it looks Shankar is still not bothered about Indian 2’s result.
Shankar was active on Twitter during the release date of Indian 2. He thanked the celebrities who had tweeted about Indian 2. But as the film became a debacle after the opening day, Shankar became silent and didn’t tweet afterwards. But surprisingly, he replied to a tweet of DOP Thiru who had praised Shankar’s efforts yesterday. The Director thanked the DOP for the tweet. But this doesn’t make sense at all. Thiru tweeting after these many days and Shankar even after the film becoming a disaster openly thanking the DOP for his tweet felt very odd.
It looks like Shankar doesn’t care about the result of Indian 2. He also has Indian 3 in the line up so he must have prepared himself to still believe Indian 2 had worked. This is absolutely embarrassing situation for Shankar. He also has Game Changer starring Ram Charan which also hangs in balance now with debacle of Indian 2. If Game Changer impresses, then Shankar may move on to Indian 3 with ease. But if this doesn’t happen then Shankar has to go through lot of troubles.