Shahrukh Khan’s Jawan has set the box-office on fire with massive openings on cards for day 1 and the following weekend. The film is performing exceedingly well in all territories in all languages and is on its way to establish several opening records in Bollywood. The morning shows ran to packed theatres all over and the rest of the shows are also housefulls for the day in a vast majority of centres.
The film will be a record opening for Bollywood cinema ever with a big margin. As of now, Shahrukh’s own film Pathaan holds the worldwide day 1 record with gross of Rs 105Cr and Jawan is expected to beat this record by atleast 25% margin. Jawan has picked up great word of mouth and positive reviews and there are all chances of an all-time record opening.
Atlee’s Jawan is an out-and-out mass entertainer quite on lines with Shankar’s vigilante action dramas. The commercial elements have come out really well and Atlee’s grand vision and Anirudh’s roaring BGM combined with King Khan’s unmatched screen presence and performance have succeeded in delivering a successful mass entertainer. The film also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupahthi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra among others.