The next installment in YRF’s Spy Universe, Tiger Vs Pathaan, will see the two biggest superstars of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan together. According to a new report, the script for the film has been locked, and the shooting is expected to start in March next year. Shah Rukh played Pathaan in January of this year, and Salman is currently preparing for Tiger 3’s Diwali release.
Aditya Chopra narrated the script to Shah Rukh Khan and Salman separately in different meetings, and they both immediately gave it their thumbs up. Tiger Vs Pathaan will bring about a new dynamic between two super spies, Tiger and Pathaan. A big confrontation between Salman and Shah Rukh is eagerly being anticipated in this Siddharth Anand directorial.
The Tiger Vs Pathaan team will start the preparation work in November of this year, following the release of Tiger 3 in Diwali, as things are still on paper. Before the film can be screened in March 2024, there will be a 5-month preparation period.
Director Siddharth Anand, who has worked on the films like Pathaan and War, will be the director of Tiger Vs Pathaan. He is currently working on another film, Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone. It is slated to hit theaters around Republic Day next year.
Siddharth is getting a dream cast of Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan coming together for their first full-fledged film since Karan Arjun, and Siddharth will also be given all the support that he needs to make Tiger Vs Pathaan as the biggest film that India has ever produced.