Bollywood King Khan Shah Rukh Khan was spotted yesterday smoking a cigarette in the IPL match. Shah Rukh Khan is the co-owner of the team franchise of Kolkata Knight Riders which is also called KKR. The Actor often attends the matches played by KKR at the stadium. Now he got stuck in a controversy. He is spotted smoking a cigarette amid the match. This has led to a backlash from the fans and audiences.
Kolkata Knight Riders were facing off Sun Risers Hyderabad yesterday at the most prestigious Eden Gardens cricket stadium in Kolkata. Both teams were testing their luck for their first win. Shah Rukh Khan was also present and he started smoking a cigarette to everyone’s surprise. He didn’t even bother about the cameras recording him doing that. This has struck everyone’s attention.
Many people started questioning his irresponsibility for endorsing cigarette smoking openly. They even felt it was not right for a star of his range to do that. Shah Rukh Khan earlier once triggered a controversy during a match against Mumbai Indians when he indulged in a fight with the staff of the stadium. He was even banned for that act. However, he has to respond to the issue. On the work front, he is currently enjoying the success of his blockbuster Jawaan directed by Atlee.