Shah Rukh Khan and Rajinikanth’s collaboration is in the works. The hot buzz in Kollywood and Bollywood circles is that both Superstars will work together in a movie. It is widely known that Rajinikanth has committed to his next film with Director Lokesh kanagaraj. The latest reports strongly suggest that Shah Rukh Khan and Rajinikanth’s collaboration is in the works for this film.
Lokesh has previously said that his film with Rajini, Thalaivar 171, will be completely different and not a part of LCU. He also said that the casting of the film would surprise everyone. Now the buzz is the team is planning to rope in none other than Shah Rukh Khan to star in the movie. The details about the character’s length of SRK are unknown.
Reportedly, the initial discussions are said to have been started already. If this happens officially, then it will be the most prominent Indian film for sure. Fans will be delighted to know that Shah Rukh Khan and Rajinikanth’s collaboration is underway.
The combination of Superstar Rajinikanth and Lokesh Kanagaraj has been in the news for many days, and it was recently announced officially by the production house Sun Pictures. Rajinikanth’s recent success with Jailer and Lokesh’s massive victory with Leo has set high expectations for Thalaivar 171.