Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film Jawan is getting to kick start its second phase of promotions. The team has released the songs, posters, etc. to keep the buzz going. Now the makers are planning a grand audio launch as Jawan gets closer to the release.
According to the latest news, Jawan’s grand audio launch will be held in Chennai next week. The makers of Jawan have released songs like Zinda Banda and Chaleya to date. While Zinda Banda was picturized on Shah Rukh Khan and his team of girls, Chaleya is featured on him and Nayanthara. The fans have already loved Jawan’s BGM. The music is given by none other than Anirudh Ravichander. In accordance with the Tamil media, a large-scale audio launch of the film will take place in Chennai on Wednesday, 30 August. Shah Rukh Khan will join Nayanthara and others at the event.
It looks like Shah Rukh Khan is planning to capture South Indian markets, especially his main focus looks to be on the Tamil market as the core team of the film, the director, lead actress, Villain, and Music director all belong to the Tamil film industry.
Meanwhile, the advance bookings for Jawan have not yet begun in India, while for abroad began a few days ago. It’s no exaggeration to say that Jawan has set a strong foundation in the overseas market. Watching the same, national channels in India have suggested that advance bookings for Jawan in India should begin by Sunday, August 27. There has been no official confirmation on the same as of now.