Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara teamed up for the first time with ‘Jawan’, and fans loved their chemistry in the world. However, a set of audience felt like Nayanthara’s character in the film did not have much depth, and she could have been given more importance.
It was reported that Nayanthara was upset about the extended cameo of Deepika Padukone in the film had more importance than her role in the film. Shah Rukh Khan indirectly addresses this rumors in an ‘Ask SRK’ session on X (formerly Twitter) while Nayanthara didn’t comment on it yet.
During an ‘Ask SRK’ session on X, Shah Rukh Khan was asked about the storyline of single mom (Nayanthara’s character) in the film. A fan posted a photo of SRK with the child actor who played Suji in the film, and wrote, “I loved Azad’s bond with Suji the single mom storyline was so subtly done and really refreshing. Thank you for representing women from all walks of life. Love you Shah @iamsrk #AskSRK #Jawan (in the original).”
Replying to this, SRK said, “I also felt that the story of Narmada as a single mom was amazing. Unfortunately, in the scheme of things couldn’t find more screen time but as is was also wonderful. #Jawan (thus used).”
Nayanthara made her Bollywood debut with the film ‘Jawan’. Recently, news emerged that she was dissatisfied with Atlee for significantly reducing her role in the film and her character being sidelined compared to Deepika Padukone’s role.