Samantha’s Shaakuntalam was released recently and failed to live up to the expectations of many. The film emerged as a big disaster and brought great agony to Gunasekhar and co. who put in years of hard work behind this historical drama. Shaakuntalam failed to create any buzz before its release and right from the trailer release, there was heavy criticism of the style of filmmaking and visual effects.
Once the movie was released, the box-office performance brought great shock to Gunasekhar as well as Dil Raju who bought the theatrical rights of the film. Speaking about the movie’s performance, the ace producer/ distributor revealed that Shaakuntalam was the ‘biggest shock of his 25-year-long career’. It was quite evident through some of the scenes making videos that Raju was mighty impressed with the output and even congratulated the team after a private screening.
Dil Raju, who has produced and distributed several blockbusters and industry hits over the years is known for his judgment of the subject. With the same judgment failing through Shaakuntalam, it has indeed surprised many. The film was released in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada languages and offered even a 3D version. Dev Mohan, Prakash Raj, Mohan Babu, Aditi Balan, Ananya Nagalla starred in this movie headlined by Samantha.