If the inside reports are to be believed, Actor Karthi will star in the sequel of Paiyaa, one of the biggest blockbusters in his career. Lingu Swamy who directed the 1st part, has been trying to make the sequel for a long time now, it is said that he has impressed Karthi with the script. The official announcement of this sequel is expected soon. The movie was a blockbuster in both Tamil and Telugu.
Linguswamy’s films Run, Sandaikozhi, Paiyaa were big hits at the office. The filmmaker was once considered as the master of action entertainers, but he faced continuous failures and lost his image. Recently, he made his debut in Tollywood with The Warrior, which had Ram Pothineni in the lead role. The movie became a big failure at the box office. Now after 13 years of the release of Paiyaa, director Linguswamy is all set to make the second part of Paiyaa with a big budget. He also made a sequel to Sandaikozhi, which did not yield positive result.
Paiyaa (2010) starred Karthi and Tamanaah Bhatia. At first, the film became a massive success in Tamil, then it was dubbed into Telugu, and here also the movie performed very well. The film’s music was scored by Yuvan Shankar Raja still continues to impress the listeners.
Whether Paiyaa 2 will be made as a continuation of the first film or it will follow a completely new plot is not yet confirmed. The first part of the film also featured Sonia Deepti, Jagan, Milind Soman, Darshan Jariwala, Jasper, and others, it was produced by Linguswamy’s Tirupati Brothers production company.