Kantara, the mystical thriller has got a dream run at the Indian box office. The movie was made hardly on 15-16 crores budget, and it has surpassed Prabhas’s Saaho and emerged as 8th highest South Indian grosser ever.
The 7 films that are ahead of Kantara are Bahubali2, Kgf, 2point0, Bahubali, Ponniyin Selvan and Vikram. Kantara movie which is made without much budget, grand visuals or big star cast, has collected over 410 crores which is astonishing.
Saaho collected 405 crores in its full run, hence Kantara surpassing it became 8th highest South Indian film grosser. North India has become a good avenue for the South movies to get good returns these days.
North Indians are also liking the regional cinema with a lot of raw rustic action. This territory was unexplored by Bollywood and Telugu, Tamil and Kannada cinema have been filling the void. South Indian Cinema being experts in mixing Entertainment with novel concepts is also one of the main reason for South films getting good recognition at the Northern markets.
Kantara was written, directed and acted by Rishabh Shetty is based on a folk tale that includes divine elements. It balances entertainment and divinity. Hero performs a folk art called Bhootakola which gave a new thrill to audiences.
Especially the Climax episode has been the most talked element of the film as audience can not come out of that impact for a few hours after watching the movie.