It is a well-known fact that Ram Charan, who is currently working on Shankar’s Game Changer, joined hands with director Buchi Babu Sana for his 16th film. Apparently, it will be made like a sports drama based on Kabaddi, and it has become the topic of discussion among film lovers. Now the film has another inclusion to its star cast.
According to the reports, the film demands a senior actress to play an important role, and it is said that the makers approached senior actress Laya for the role. Laya was last seen on screen in Raviteja’s Amar Akbar Anthony.
The film is said to be made on a budget of 300 Crores which is massive and the unit is in plans to make this a Pan India film, it is a sports-based drama with a village backdrop.
Ram Charan – Buchi Babu’s film is likely to go on set in this year-end. The team is now in the process of rapidly finalizing the casting and the team, as well as the shooting locations. AR Rahman also confirmed that he will compose the music for the film and renowned actor Vijay Sethupathi is said to be roped in to play a crucial role in this Pan India film. Definitely, the addition of an outstanding performer like Vijay Sethupathi will raise the anticipation levels of the film.