Senapathy, played by Kamal Haasan was the central character of the original film, Bharateeyudu/Indian. The character designed by Director Shankar earned great applause from the audience and became a iconic role for Kamal Haasan as well. When a sequel was announced for Bharateeyudu/Indian, many wondered how Shankar would deal with the character at the current time. Now after the film’s release, everyone feels that Senapathy has spoiled Bharateeyudu 2/Indian 2.
Senapathy turned out to be the main negative aspect for the film. People feel that the scenes not involving Senapathy looked better. Whenever the character appears on screen, they instantly get bored and disappointed due to weak writing of Shankar. Senapathy’s character has also become a troll material in terms of the get up and action scenes where he fights. Audience lost interest in the film throughout for the same reason.
Second half of the film felt somewhat better as it involved Siddarth’s emotional episodes but they turn out to be bad when Senapathy’s six pack fight starts. All the things involving Senapathy’s character have not worked well apart from very few scenes. Now, we have to see how the team deals with Indian 3. The film has already become a disaster and will end up as a nightmare for all the parties involved.