Tollywood Actor and the Deputy CM of Andhra Pradesh, Pawan Kalyan recently came down heavily against the alleged irregularities in Kakinada Port. He reacted sharply against the officials for turning a blind eye towards these activities and demanded to Seize a Ship which was carrying unchecked rice bags. This dialogue became popular instantly and his instructions too became viral on social media platforms. Now, this popular dialogue, Seize the Ship has been registered as a title of a film.
A Production banner, R.Fims Factory + Productions has registered the title for their film in the film chamber. This image has also come out which is going viral now. The dialogue uttered by Pawan Kalyan became like a wildfire seeming like a mass warning scene used in films. Obviously, the production banner didn’t miss a chance to use this opportunity.
On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan has started acting in his committed films. He has uploaded an image of himself in the attire of Hari Hara Veera Mallu which went viral as well. The works regarding his other film, OG have also started recently. He will finish these films as soon as possible.